儿子因三起谋杀父亲、继母和继兄而被捕;调查仍在进行中。 Son arrested for triple murder of father, stepmother, and stepbrother; investigation ongoing.
一个儿子因谋杀其父亲、继母和继父兄弟而被捕。 A son has been arrested for the murders of his father, stepmother, and stepbrother. 警察没有透露受害者的姓名或杀人背后的动机。 The police have not disclosed the victims' names or the motive behind the killings. 调查正在进行中,当当局试图收集更多信息时,儿子仍被拘留。 The investigation is ongoing, and the son remains in custody as authorities seek to gather more information. 随着案件的发展,将提供进一步的最新情况。 Further updates will be provided as the case develops.