乔治亚州学校枪手的母亲因去年发生的家庭事件而被起诉. Mother of Georgia school shooter indicted for domestic incident from last year.
佐治亚州一名少年的母亲被指控在他的高中枪杀了四名学生,她因去年的家庭事件而被起诉。 The mother of a Georgia teenager, accused of fatally shooting four students at his high school, has been indicted for a domestic incident from last year. 据称,在对峙期间,她将一名家长绑在椅子上,尽管具体细节尚未透露。 She allegedly taped a parent to a chair during a confrontation, although specific details remain undisclosed. 这份起诉书增加了她儿子目前面临的法律问题,她儿子面临与学校枪击有关的指控。 This indictment adds to the ongoing legal issues surrounding her son, who faces charges related to the school shooting.