康涅狄格州米德尔伯里的 84 号州际公路东段在 16 号和 17 号出口之间发生多车相撞事故并受伤后重新开放。 Interstate 84 East in Middlebury, CT reopened after a multi-vehicle crash with injuries between Exits 16 and 17.
康涅狄格州米德尔伯里84号州际公路东经星期五上午16号出口与17号出口之间多车辆坠毁后重新开放。 Interstate 84 East in Middlebury, Connecticut, reopened following a multi-vehicle crash on Friday morning between Exits 16 and 17. 这起事件涉及一辆被推翻的车辆,据报于上午10时50分左右发生,造成人员受伤,尽管其严重程度尚不清楚。 The incident, involving an overturned vehicle, was reported around 10:50 a.m. and resulted in injuries, although their severity is unclear. 右车道因安全和清除工作而暂时关闭。 The right lane was temporarily closed for safety and clearance efforts. 随着调查的继续,当局将提供进一步的最新情况。 Authorities will provide further updates as the investigation continues.