哈拉雷市议会计划不顾工程警告,在不稳定的前碎石坑上建居民站。 Harare City Council plans to build residential stands on unstable former gravel pits despite engineering warnings.
哈拉雷市议会计划将沃伦公园以前的碎石坑改为60多个家庭的住宅,尽管工程师警告说地面不稳定。 The Harare City Council plans to convert former gravel pits in Warren Park into residential stands for over 60 families, despite warnings from engineers about ground instability. 一名工程师说,该工地在四至五年内无法安全建造。 An engineer stated that the site will not be safe for construction for four to five years. 当地居民担心,由于土地的危险条件,加速的住房倡议可能导致进一步的悲剧和财产损失。 Local residents fear that the hastened housing initiative may lead to further tragedies and property damage due to the dangerous conditions of the land.