加利福尼亚州州长Gavin Newsom的紧急急救条例可能会限制获得救生疗法的机会。 California Governor Gavin Newsom's emergency hemp regulations may limit access to life-saving therapies.
加利福尼亚州州长Gavin Newsom关于大麻的紧急条例可能会阻碍人们获得来自工厂的关键疗法。 California Governor Gavin Newsom's emergency regulations on hemp could hinder access to crucial therapies derived from the plant. 批评者认为,这些规则可能限制救生治疗的提供,引起病人和保健提供者对公共卫生的潜在影响的关切。 Critics argue that these rules may restrict the availability of life-saving treatments, raising concerns among patients and healthcare providers about the potential impact on public health. 条例旨在解决安全和质量问题,但可能无意中限制有需要者的治疗选择。 The regulations aim to address safety and quality but may inadvertently limit therapeutic options for those in need.