不列颠哥伦比亚省市政当局寻求恢复联邦港口警察的职务,以打击滨海犯罪和贩毒。 British Columbia municipalities seek reinstatement of federal port police to combat waterfront crime and drug trafficking.
不列颠哥伦比亚省市政当局呼吁恢复联邦港口警察,以打击上升的滨海犯罪和贩毒活动,因为这些活动加剧了过量吸毒危机。 British Columbia municipalities are calling for the reinstatement of federal port police to combat rising waterfront crime and drug trafficking, which have worsened the overdose crisis. 这项请求是根据公元前哥伦比亚联邦的一项决议提出的。 The request, stemming from a resolution at the Union of B.C. 市镇会议着重讨论1997年解散加拿大港口警察以及2015年减少向加拿大皇家骑警领导的滨海行动提供的资金的问题。 Municipalities convention, highlights the disbandment of Ports Canada Police in 1997 and reduced funding to the RCMP-led Waterfront operation in 2015. 拟议的海运集装箱税可以资助在不列颠哥伦比亚省恢复治安工作。 A proposed shipping container levy could finance renewed policing efforts across B.C. 港口。 ports.