Vine Hill Towers公寓大楼的炸弹威胁导致疏散和警方搜查,没有发现爆炸物。 Bomb threat at Vine Hill Towers apartment complex leads to evacuation and police search, no explosives found.
炸弹威胁促使Vine Hill Towers撤离,这是南纳什维尔一个老年人和残疾居民公寓楼。 A bomb threat prompted the evacuation of Vine Hill Towers, an apartment complex for elderly and disabled residents in South Nashville. Metro Nashville警察局回应,在未发现任何爆炸物的情况下进行了搜查。 The Metro Nashville Police Department responded, conducting a search without finding any explosives. 后来,在当局认为该地区安全之后,允许居民返回家园。 Residents were later allowed to return home after authorities deemed the area safe. 没有人员受伤的报告,随着调查的继续,关于威胁可信度的细节仍然不清楚。 No injuries were reported, and details about the threat's credibility remain unclear as the investigation continues.