世界银行和非洲开发银行发起“300特派团”,在2030年之前向300万非洲人提供电力,最初认捐30B美元。 World Bank and African Development Bank launch "Mission 300" to provide electricity to 300M Africans by 2030 with an initial $30B pledge.
世界银行和非洲开发银行发起了“300特派团”,旨在到2030年向3亿非洲人提供电力,最初认捐300亿美元。 The World Bank and African Development Bank have launched "Mission 300," aiming to provide electricity to 300 million Africans by 2030 with an initial $30 billion pledge. 该计划力求筹集总额900亿美元,重点是清洁能源解决方案和基础设施发展。 The plan seeks to raise a total of $90 billion, focusing on clean energy solutions and infrastructure development. 关键战略包括让私营部门参与、区域合作和动员慈善支助,这将促进整个撒哈拉以南非洲的经济增长和改善生活条件。 Key strategies include engaging the private sector, regional collaboration, and mobilizing philanthropic support, which will enhance economic growth and improve living conditions across sub-Saharan Africa.