南非计划放宽旅行限制,以吸引中国和印度游客获得经济支持。 South Africa plans to relax travel restrictions to attract Chinese and Indian tourists for economic support.
南非计划放宽旅行限制,以吸引更多中国和印度游客,同时认识到这些游客在刺激经济和支持当地企业方面的潜力。 South Africa plans to relax travel restrictions to attract more tourists from China and India, recognizing their potential to boost the economy and support local businesses. 内政部将接受这些市场的团体申请,受托旅游经营人计划将于2025年1月启动,以简化签证手续。 The Department of Home Affairs will accept group applications from these markets, and the Trusted Tour Operator Scheme will launch in January 2025 to streamline the visa process. 两国都与南非有着牢固的联系,并代表着重要的外向旅游市场。 Both countries have strong ties with South Africa and represent significant outbound tourism markets.