德国大使承诺在8年内为孟加拉国的可再生能源提供600万欧元。 Germany's Ambassador promises €600M for Bangladesh's renewable energy over 8 years.
德国驻孟加拉国大使阿希姆·特罗斯特宣布承诺支持临时政府的改革倡议,在八年内共为可再生能源项目拨款6亿欧元。 Germany's Ambassador to Bangladesh, Achim Tröster, announced a commitment to support the interim government's reform initiatives with a total of 600 million Euros allocated for renewable energy projects over eight years. 这笔资金补充了早先提出的5 000万欧元提案。 This funding complements an earlier proposal of 50 million Euros. 孟加拉国的首席顾问Muhammad Yunus教授呼吁增加德国的投资,特别是在反腐败技术和可再生能源方面的投资。 Bangladesh's Chief Adviser, Professor Muhammad Yunus, called for increased German investment, particularly in anti-corruption technology and renewable energy.