31 岁的 Head Hunters 团伙成员在高速追逐后被捕,面临危险驾驶、持有弹药的指控;没有受伤报告。 31-yr-old Head Hunters gang member arrested after high-speed chase, faces dangerous driving, ammo possession charges; no injuries reported.
新西兰警方逮捕了一名31岁男子,此人在奥克兰上空高速摩托车追逐后与猎人头帮有联系。 New Zealand police arrested a 31-year-old man linked to the Head Hunters gang after a high-speed motorcycle chase across Auckland. 起初发现他鲁莽驾驶, 躲过抓捕, 直到摩托车在帕拉凯用完燃料。 Initially spotted driving recklessly, he evaded capture until his motorcycle ran out of fuel in Parakai. 他面临包括危险驾驶、非法拥有弹药和不停止等指控。 He faces charges including dangerous driving, unlawful possession of ammunition, and failing to stop. 当局表示,在鲁莽的追捕中没有发生任何伤害,当局对此给予补救。 Authorities expressed relief that no injuries occurred during the reckless pursuit.