25 岁的蒙特兹·安托万·福雷斯特 (Montez Antowan Forrest) 因毒品犯罪而被缓刑,在因致命的吸毒过量引发长达数月的调查后,他面临 24 项指控,包括芬太尼贩运。 25-year-old Montez Antowan Forrest, on probation for drug offenses, faces 24 charges, including fentanyl trafficking, after a months-long investigation triggered by a fatal overdose.
查尔斯顿25岁的蒙特兹·安托万·福雷斯特在2月的一次致命过量引发了长达数月的调查之后,面临24项指控,包括芬太尼贩运和拥有毒品。 Montez Antowan Forrest, 25, of Charleston, faces 24 charges, including fentanyl trafficking and drug possession, following a months-long investigation triggered by a fatal overdose in February. 警察从他的公寓中缴获400多种芬太尼药、可卡因、大麻和火器。 Police seized over 400 fentanyl pills, cocaine, marijuana, and firearms from his apartment. 在他被捕时,Forrest因先前的毒品犯罪而处于缓刑期,目前关押在Al Cannon拘留中心,押金280 000美元。 At the time of his arrest, Forrest was on probation for prior drug offenses and is currently held at Al Cannon Detention Center with a $280,000 bond.