田纳西州寻求重新谈判巴拉德卫生公司的垄断协议,因为病人不断抱怨,护理质量不高。 Tennessee seeks to renegotiate Ballad Health's monopoly agreement due to persistent patient complaints and quality-of-care failures.
田纳西州官员正在寻求加强Ballad Health的问责制,Ballad Health是2018年在病人不断投诉后建立的医院垄断。 Tennessee officials are seeking to increase accountability for Ballad Health, a hospital monopoly created in 2018, after persistent patient complaints. 尽管护理质量标准一直不达标,但Ballad获得“A”级,使其能够维持对29个县地区的垄断。 Despite consistently failing quality-of-care standards, Ballad has received "A" grades, allowing it to maintain its monopoly over a 29-county region. 国家正在重新谈判协议,将医院的绩效确定为重要优先事项,如果不作出改进,可能导致更严格的监督或分手。 The state is renegotiating the agreement to prioritize hospital performance significantly, potentially leading to stricter oversight or a breakup if improvements are not made.