从9月18日起,阿布贾政府小学教师因工资要求而无限期罢工。 Teachers at Abuja government primary schools launch an indefinite strike from September 18 over wage demands.
在尼日利亚教师联盟(NUT)发出为期14天的最后通牒之后,阿布贾政府小学教师于9月18日发动了无限期罢工。 Teachers at government primary schools in Abuja have launched an indefinite strike, effective September 18, following a 14-day ultimatum from the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT). 工会要求支付拖欠的最低工资的60%,40%的特殊津贴,加薪25%和35%。 The union demands payment of 60% of owed minimum wage arrears, a 40% peculiar allowance, and salary increases of 25% and 35%. 如果政府在七天内没有回应, 工会计划升级抗议活动, 影响初中新生学生等待结果。 If the government does not respond within seven days, the union plans to escalate protests, impacting incoming Junior Secondary School students awaiting results.