《米其林指南》在最初启动两年后,将覆盖面扩大到了更广泛的多伦多地区。 Michelin Guide expands coverage to broader Toronto region, two years after initial launch.
《米其林指南》在2022年首次在多伦多市推出两年后,正在扩大覆盖范围,将范围扩大到更广泛的多伦多地区。 The Michelin Guide is expanding its coverage to include the broader Toronto region, two years after its initial launch in the city in 2022. 这一宣布提前于第三份年度指南的发布,该指南目前有13家一星级餐厅和一家两星级餐厅,即斋藤正木寿司。 This announcement comes ahead of the release of the third annual guide, which currently features 13 one-star restaurants and one two-star restaurant, Sushi Masaki Saito. 此外,Michelin还为温哥华制作指南,并计划很快为魁北克推出指南。 Additionally, Michelin also produces guides for Vancouver and plans to introduce one for Quebec soon.