印度的Niti Aayog首席执行官预测到2030年印度的经济将翻一番,目标是到2026-2027年成为全球第三大经济体。 India's Niti Aayog CEO projects India's economy to double by 2030, aiming to become the third-largest globally by 2026-2027.
印度的Niti Aayog CEO BVR Subrahmanyam 预测印度经济到2030年可能会翻一番, India's Niti Aayog CEO BVR Subrahmanyam projects that India's economy could double by 2030, aiming to become the third-largest globally by 2026-2027. 他强调气候变化作为气候技术领导力催化剂的潜力,并坚持认为全球价值链、城市发展和私营部门创新的重要性。 He highlights the potential of climate change as a catalyst for leadership in climate technology and insists on the importance of Global Value Chains, urban development, and private sector innovation. Subrahmanyam强调州一级的改革和合作联邦制,以促进包容性增长,目标是到2070年实现净零排放。 Subrahmanyam stresses state-level reforms and cooperative federalism for inclusive growth, targeting net-zero emissions by 2070.