印度、坦桑尼亚和津巴布韦举行了会谈,以加强水资源管理方面的合作。 India, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe held talks to strengthen cooperation in water resource management.
印度最近与坦桑尼亚和津巴布韦进行了高级别讨论,以加强水资源管理方面的合作。 India recently engaged in high-level discussions with Tanzania and Zimbabwe to enhance cooperation in water resource management. C R Paatil部长Jal Shakti强调促进印度对津巴布韦供水部门的投资,并提供技术援助。 Jal Shakti Minister C R Paatil emphasized boosting Indian investments in Zimbabwe's water sector and offered technical assistance. 两国探讨可能达成协议,分享水养护和管理方面的专门知识。 Both nations explored potential agreements to share expertise in water conservation and management. 这些会议旨在应对与水有关的挑战,并支持农业改革促进可持续增长。 The meetings aimed to address water-related challenges and support agricultural reforms for sustainable growth.