根据宾汉顿大学的一项研究,远程医疗在COVID-19期间提高了病人护理质量和医生满意度。 Telemedicine improved patient care quality and physician satisfaction during COVID-19, according to a Binghamton University study.
Binghamton大学的一项研究表明,根据10 000多名医生提供的数据,远程医疗提高了COVID-19大流行病期间的病人护理质量和医生满意度。 A study from Binghamton University indicates that telemedicine improved patient care quality and physician satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on data from over 10,000 physicians. 电视会议等关键的远程医疗功能为取得这些积极成果作出了贡献。 Key telemedicine features like videoconferencing contributed to these positive outcomes. 由于远程保健的使用率仍然高于流行前水平,因此敦促决策者保持覆盖面,改善获得服务的机会,特别是针对不同患者,同时解决技术障碍和隐私问题。 As telehealth usage remains above pre-pandemic levels, policymakers are urged to maintain coverage and improve access, particularly for diverse patients, while addressing technology barriers and privacy concerns.