伦敦的盖伊医院 试运无人机血样样本 旨在缩短分娩时间 改善患者结果 Guy's Hospital in London pilots drone blood sample transport, aiming to reduce delivery time and improve patient outcomes.
伦敦的盖伊医院正在启动一个为期六个月的试点项目,通过无人驾驶飞机运送血样,目的是将交货时间从30分钟缩短到2分钟以下。 Guy's Hospital in London is launching a six-month pilot project to transport blood samples via drones, aiming to cut delivery time from over 30 minutes to under two minutes. 该计划将于今年秋季开始,由民航局监管并与 Apian 和 Wing 合作,旨在改善患者的治疗效果并减少对环境的影响。 Set to begin this autumn, the initiative, regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority and in collaboration with Apian and Wing, seeks to improve patient outcomes and reduce environmental impact. 如果成功,它可能导致在联合王国各地的医疗保健物流中更广泛地使用无人驾驶飞机。 If successful, it could lead to broader drone use in healthcare logistics across the UK.