曼彻斯特市面临总联听证会, 超过115项违反金融规则的指控, 可能面临点数扣减或驱逐。 Manchester City faces Premier League hearing over 115 financial rule breach charges, potentially facing points deductions or expulsion.
曼城正在接受关于英超联赛违反财务规则的115项指控的听证会, Manchester City is undergoing a hearing regarding 115 charges of financial rule breaches by the Premier League, with potential penalties including points deductions or expulsion from the league. 该案可能长达十周,其中心是2009年至2018年关于财务报告不准确和不遵守条例的指控。 The case, which could last up to ten weeks, centers on accusations of inaccurate financial reporting and non-compliance with regulations from 2009 to 2018. 城市否认这些指控和声称有确凿证据支持其辩护。 City denies the allegations and claims to have strong evidence to support its defense. 预计到2025年才能作出判决。 A verdict is not expected until 2025.