绿党呼吁建立人行道、扩大人行道和改善学校交通计划,以解决爱尔兰儿童依赖汽车造成的肥胖问题。 Green Party calls for pedestrian crossings, wider footpaths, and improved School Transport Scheme to address Irish children's obesity caused by car reliance.
绿党副领袖Róisín Garvey强调, 许多爱尔兰儿童超重, Green Party deputy leader Róisín Garvey has highlighted that many Irish children are overweight due to reliance on cars for transportation. 她在都柏林的一次聚会上发言,呼吁更多人行过路和更广泛的人行道,以促进更安全的步行和骑自行车上学。 Speaking at a party event in Dublin, she called for more pedestrian crossings and wider footpaths to promote safer walking and cycling to school. Garvey还主张扩大学校交通计划,该计划得到了绿党领袖Roderic O'Gorman的支持,并列举了给家庭带来的环境和节省成本的好处。 Garvey also advocated for expanding the School Transport Scheme, supported by Green Party leader Roderic O'Gorman, citing environmental and cost-saving benefits for families.