Coleen Nolan将姐姐死后家人和解与Diana对威廉王子和哈里王子裂缝的影响联系起来。 Coleen Nolan links her family's reconciliation after sister's death to Diana's possible impact on Prince William and Prince Harry's rift.
Coleen Nolan是ITV的“Loose Women”专题主讲人, 反省了她四年来与姐妹们的家族争吵, 讨论威廉王子和哈里王子之间持续的裂痕。 Coleen Nolan, a panelist on ITV's "Loose Women," reflected on her four-year family feud with her sisters while discussing the ongoing rift between Prince William and Prince Harry. 她表示,母亲的影响力对于解决冲突至关重要,她表示,如果戴安娜公主还活着,王子的分裂可能就不那么严重了。 She expressed that a mother's influence is crucial in resolving conflicts, suggesting that if Princess Diana were alive, the princes' division might have been less severe. 诺兰的仇恨结束于2013年他们的妹妹伯尼去世,这突显了家庭爱的重要性. Nolan's own feud ended with the death of their sister Bernie in 2013, highlighting the importance of familial love.