ClassNK 更新液化氢运输船指南,DNV 授予 HD Korea Shipbuilding 用于电力推进 LH2 运输船设计的 AiP。 ClassNK updates Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier guidelines, DNV grants AiP to HD Korea Shipbuilding for electric propulsion LH2 carrier design.
根据国际海事组织的建议, ClassNK 发布了"液化载船指南"的第三版, 更新了安全协议. ClassNK has released the third edition of its "Guidelines for Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers," updating safety protocols in line with the IMO's recommendations. 该准则旨在加强氢运输的安全和效率。 The guidelines aim to enhance the safety and efficiency of hydrogen transport. 同时,DNV原则上同意朝鲜造船公司建造具有创新意义的LH2载体设计,配有电力推进和高级绝缘技术的LH2载体,强调合作努力改进氢航运技术。 Concurrently, DNV granted Approval in Principle to HD Korea Shipbuilding for an innovative LH2 carrier design featuring electric propulsion and advanced insulation, underscoring a collaborative effort to improve hydrogen shipping technology.