驾驶Lexus的24岁妇女与多辆汽车相撞,在罗德岛Warwick的Sam's Inn造成瓦斯管破裂。 24-year-old woman driving a Lexus collided with multiple vehicles, causing a gas line rupture at Sam's Inn in Warwick, Rhode Island.
罗得岛Warwick发生车祸,一名24岁的妇女驾驶一辆Lexus,她与多辆汽车发生碰撞,其中包括在壳牌加油站的汽车,导致Sam's Inn的煤气管破裂。 A car crash in Warwick, Rhode Island, involved a 24-year-old woman driving a Lexus who collided with multiple vehicles, including those at a Shell gas station, leading to a gas line rupture at Sam's Inn. 幸运的是,没有关于重大受伤的报告,但餐馆被疏散,仍然关闭。 Fortunately, no significant injuries were reported, but the restaurant was evacuated and remains closed. 作为预防措施,司机被送往医院。 The driver was taken to the hospital as a precaution. 该事件正在调查之中,尚未宣布任何指控。 The incident is under investigation, with no charges announced yet.