以植物为基础的牛奶市场年增长率为9.5%,预计到2035年将达到513亿美元。 Plant-based milk market grows at 9.5% annual rate, projected to reach $51.3 billion by 2035.
以植物为基础的奶制品市场正在经历大幅度增长,其驱动力是寻求更健康的奶制品替代品的年轻消费者。 The plant-based milk market is experiencing significant growth, driven by younger consumers seeking healthier alternatives to dairy. 预计到2035年将达到513亿美元,市场正在以9.5%的年增长率扩张。 Projected to reach $51.3 billion by 2035, the market is expanding at a 9.5% annual growth rate. 公司正在投资新产品和技术以使自己与众不同,燕麦奶因其起泡能力而越来越受欢迎。 Companies are investing in new products and technology to differentiate themselves, with oat milk rising in popularity due to its frothing ability. 甚至传统的奶制品品牌也进入植物部门以满足消费者需求。 Even traditional dairy brands are entering the plant-based sector to meet consumer demand.