蒙特利尔摇滚乐队 The Damn Truth 将于 9 月 18 日在萨德伯里演出,这是他们 5 年来的首次加拿大巡演。 Montreal rock band The Damn Truth performs in Sudbury on Sept 18, marking their first Canadian tour in 5 years.
据悉, 蒙特利尔的摇滚乐队"该死的真相"将于9月18日在加拿大萨德伯里的Townehouse演出. The Damn Truth, a Montreal-based rock band, will perform at The Townehouse in Sudbury, Canada, on September 18th. 这标志着他们在英国和欧洲获得知名度后五年来首次跨越加拿大的巡回演出. This marks their first cross-Canada tour in five years after gaining popularity in the UK and Europe. 乐队的歌手/吉他手Lee-La Baum,吉他手Tom Shemer,贝斯手PY Letellier和鼓手Dave Traina将加入当地萨德伯里摇滚乐队Ten To One作为特别嘉宾. The band, featuring singer/guitarist Lee-La Baum, guitarist Tom Shemer, bassist PY Letellier, and drummer Dave Traina, will be joined by local Sudbury rockers Ten To One as special guests.