在瓦努阿图维拉港发生的大规模驱逐使数百人流离失所, Mass evictions in Vanuatu's Port Vila leave hundreds displaced amid landowner disputes.
瓦努阿图首都维拉港的大规模驱逐行动摧毁了社区,特别是Korman体育场定居点。 Mass evictions in Vanuatu's capital, Port Vila, have devastated communities, particularly at the Korman Stadium settlement. 数百人,包括家庭,由于与传统地主的协议失败而流离失所,因为人们从外岛迁移。 Hundreds, including families, were displaced due to failed agreements with traditional landowners as people migrated from outer islands. 政府正在寻找解决办法,包括新的安全住房住区。 The government is seeking solutions, including new settlements for secure housing. 驱逐者面临收入损失和教育中断等挑战, 导致他们对未来的不确定性和持续的人权问题. Evictees face challenges like loss of income and disrupted education, leading to uncertainty about their future and ongoing human rights concerns.