17岁 创造了一个7年来 想象中的城市的详细地图 17-year-old created detailed map of an imaginary city over seven years.
一个青少年花了七年时间 亲手绘制一个假想城市的详细地图 花了半辈子的时间 来完成这个创意项目 A teenager dedicated seven years to hand-drawing a detailed map of an imaginary city, spending half his life on this creative project. 这个努力反映了他对建设世界和讲故事的热情, 展示了精心设计的设计 以及设计虚构的城市景观的想法。 The endeavor reflects his passion for world-building and storytelling, showcasing the intricate design and thought that went into crafting a fictional urban landscape. 地图代表着个人的重大成就,突出了富有想象力的追求的潜力。 The map represents a significant personal achievement and highlights the potential of imaginative pursuits.