29 岁的阿什纳·尼尔森 (Ashner Nelson) 于 8 月 8 日在北查尔斯顿发生高速撞车事故,导致 17 岁的约瑟夫·达席尔瓦 (Joseph DaSilva) 和塞缪尔·奥利维拉 (Samuel Oliveira) 死亡,他面临两项鲁莽杀人罪。 29-year-old Ashner Nelson faces two counts of reckless homicide after a high-speed crash on August 8 in North Charleston, killing 17-year-olds Joseph DaSilva and Samuel Oliveira.
29 岁的阿什纳·尼尔森 (Ashner Nelson) 于 8 月 8 日在北查尔斯顿发生车祸,导致 17 岁的青少年约瑟夫·达席尔瓦 (Joseph DaSilva) 和塞缪尔·奥利维拉 (Samuel Oliveira) 死亡,他面临两项鲁莽杀人罪。 Ashner Nelson, 29, faces two counts of reckless homicide after a car crash in North Charleston on August 8 that killed teenagers Joseph DaSilva and Samuel Oliveira, both 17. 据报道,尼尔森以每小时 100 英里左右的速度行驶并闯红灯,导致碰撞。 Nelson was reportedly driving at around 100 mph and ran a red light, leading to the collision. 她一直住院到9月13日,然后在多彻斯特县监狱入住。 She was hospitalized until September 13 before being booked at the Dorchester County Jail. 事件涉及三辆汽车,另一名受害者受重伤。 The incident involved three vehicles and left another victim critically injured.