Kathleen Wheelok老师被控在佛蒙特州对学生喉咙贴上标记, 严重扰乱治安行为。 Teacher Kathleen Wheelock charged with aggravated disorderly conduct for marking around a student's throat in Vermont.
佛蒙特州双田联合学校的教师凯瑟琳·惠洛克在9月5日发生事件后面临严重违规行为的指控. Kathleen Wheelock, a teacher at Twinfield Union School in Vermont, faces charges of aggravated disorderly conduct after an incident on September 5. 据称,由于学生在白板上使用标记,她用永久标记蒙住学生喉咙。 She allegedly drew around a student's throat with a permanent marker in response to the student's use of a marker on a whiteboard. 这名学生没有受伤,并报告了这一事件。 The student was unharmed and reported the incident. 惠洛克定于10月3日出庭,她的就业状况仍不明朗。 Wheelock is scheduled to appear in court on October 3, and her employment status remains unclear.