卡塔尔参加了在巴黎举行的教科文组织会议,以庆祝国际独立调查委员会成立100周年。 Qatar attended a UNESCO conference in Paris to celebrate the IIIC's 100th anniversary.
卡塔尔参加了在巴黎举行的教科文组织会议,以纪念国际知识合作研究所成立100周年。 Qatar joined a UNESCO conference in Paris to mark the 100th anniversary of the International Institute for Intellectual Cooperation (IIIC). 活动“庆祝国际知识合作百年”,以教科文组织档案片和日本合作展为特色。 The event, "Celebrating a Centenary of International Intellectual Cooperation," featured UNESCO archive films and a Japan-partnered exhibition. 国际文化发展中心成立于1920年,是第一次世界大战后成立的,其重点是发展国际标准和文化关系,影响教科文组织的建立。 Founded in 1920 post-World War I, the IIIC focused on developing international standards and cultural relations, influencing the establishment of UNESCO.