荷兰计划宣布庇护危机,颁布严格的移民规则,并退出欧盟庇护政策。 The Netherlands plans to declare an asylum crisis, enact strict migration rules, and opt-out from EU asylum policies.
荷兰计划宣布“庇护危机”, 并实施最严格的移民规则, The Netherlands plans to declare an "asylum crisis" and implement its strictest migration rules to curb the influx of asylum seekers. 这包括暂停新的申请,限制家庭团聚,绕过议会同意采取某些措施。 This includes a moratorium on new applications, limiting family reunification, and bypassing parliamentary consent for certain measures. 由自由党领导的政府寻求退出欧盟庇护政策,理由是公共服务受到压倒性的压力。 The government, led by the Freedom Party, seeks an opt-out from EU asylum policies, citing overwhelming pressure on public services. 批评者警告潜在法律挑战和消极的社会影响。 Critics warn of potential legal challenges and negative societal impacts.