2024年,密苏里州希尔斯代尔在所有类别中获得Niche最低的评分(D),公立学校的评分为D,总体为D+。 Hillsdale, Missouri, received the lowest rating (D) in all categories by Niche for 2024, with a D- for public schools and an overall D+.
密苏里州的希尔斯代尔市人口为1,191人, 获得了Niches 2024年评级, 成为该州评级最低的城市, 在所有评级类别中获得"D". Hillsdale, Missouri, with a population of 1,191, has been ranked as the lowest-rated place in the state by Niche for 2024, receiving a 'D' in all assessed categories. 它为公立学校赢得了“D”和“D+”的总分。 It earned a 'D-' for its public schools and an overall grade of 'D+'. 由于居民面临各种挑战,主要关注生存,而不是改善他们的处境,因此Hillsdale在密苏里独具特色。 This designation makes Hillsdale unique in Missouri for its poor ratings, as residents face various challenges and are primarily focused on survival rather than improving their situation.