专家建议,高强度间歇培训可以改善中风后有氧健身能力,而不是中度锻炼。 High-intensity interval training (HIIT) may improve post-stroke aerobic fitness more than moderate exercise, experts propose.
专家认为,高强度间歇训练 (HIIT) 可能比传统的适度运动更能改善中风后的有氧体能. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) may surpass traditional moderate exercise in improving aerobic fitness post-stroke, experts suggest. HIIT结合了密集的锻炼和休息,可以加强心血管恢复和身体耐力。 HIIT, which combines intense exercise bursts with rest, can enhance cardiovascular recovery and physical endurance. 然而,它可能并非适用于所有人,特别是那些心血管问题严重或中风后不稳定的人。 However, it may not be appropriate for all, especially those with severe cardiovascular issues or instability after a stroke. 受监督的适合个人能力的演练对于安全和有效性至关重要。 Supervised exercise tailored to individual abilities is crucial for safety and effectiveness.