21岁的WVSU线后卫Jyilek Harrington在Charleston的住宅入侵中被致命枪杀;调查仍在进行中。 21-year-old WVSU linebacker Jyilek Harrington fatally shot in Charleston home invasion; investigation ongoing.
西弗吉尼亚州立大学21岁的后卫Jyilek Zyiare Harrington据称在Charleston的一次家庭入侵中被枪杀。 Jyilek Zyiare Harrington, a 21-year-old linebacker at West Virginia State University, was fatally shot during an alleged home invasion in Charleston. 发现他的尸体多处枪伤。 His body was found with multiple gunshot wounds. 这一事件正在调查之中,没有查明任何嫌疑人。 The incident is under investigation, with no suspects identified. 哈灵顿作为一位献身的学生运动员和社区领袖被人们铭记在心。 Harrington was remembered as a dedicated student-athlete and community leader. 该大学正在提供咨询服务,并建立了一个纪念基金以纪念他,而对阵卡森-纽曼的主场揭幕战已重新安排。 The university is providing counseling services and has established a memorial fund in his honor, while the home opener against Carson-Newman has been rescheduled.