28 岁的科尔代尔男子科尔宾·约翰·麦克斯韦 (Corbin John Maxwell) 因在莱斯布里奇的家中袭击一名 27 岁的女子而被指控谋杀未遂和入室盗窃。 28-year-old Coaldale man, Corbin John Maxwell, charged with attempted murder and housebreaking for attacking a 27-year-old woman in her Lethbridge home.
来自阿尔伯塔省科尔代尔的 28 岁男子科尔宾·约翰·麦克斯韦 (Corbin John Maxwell) 被指控犯有谋杀未遂和入室盗窃罪,此前他涉嫌在莱斯布里奇的家中袭击了一名 27 岁的妇女,当时她正在睡觉。 Corbin John Maxwell, a 28-year-old from Coaldale, Alberta, has been charged with attempted murder and housebreaking after allegedly attacking a 27-year-old woman in her Lethbridge home while she slept. Maxwell通过一个开着的窗口进入,用物体殴打她,造成头部严重受伤。 Maxwell entered through an open window and assaulted her with an object, causing serious head injuries. 他逃离现场,但后来被警察逮捕。 He fled the scene but was later apprehended by police. 受害人和嫌疑人彼此互不相识,该事件被视为随机暴力行为。 The victim and suspect are unknown to each other, and the incident is deemed a random act of violence. Maxwell定于下周二出庭 Maxwell is scheduled to appear in court next Tuesday.