不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚综合医院于星期六上午7时向全数字系统过渡,用于订购测试和药物。 Victoria General Hospital in British Columbia transitions to a fully digital system for ordering tests and medications on Saturday at 7 a.m.
不列颠哥伦比亚维多利亚综合医院将于星期六上午7时向全数字系统过渡,用于订购测试和药物。 Victoria General Hospital in British Columbia will transition to a fully digital system for ordering tests and medications on Saturday at 7 a.m. 这一转变得到了一个24/7指挥中心和100多名工作人员的支持,在其他医院也发生了类似的变化。 This shift, supported by a 24/7 command center and over 100 staff, follows similar changes at other hospitals. 新系统旨在减少错误,改善沟通,加强病人的安全。 The new system aims to reduce errors and improve communication for enhanced patient safety. 在此期间,将临时减少门诊服务,为较不紧迫的护理选择提供指导。 Outpatient services will be temporarily reduced during this period, with guidance for less urgent care options.