印度央行取消了4家NBFC的注册, 接受13家的投降, RBI revokes registration of 4 NBFCs, accepts surrender of 13, for compliance and stability.
印度储备银行已撤销四家非银行金融公司的注册,并接受移交另外13家。 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has revoked the registration of four non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) and accepted the surrender of 13 others. 这一行动旨在确保金融部门的合规和稳定。 This action aims to ensure compliance and stability in the financial sector. 取消和放弃的原因包括公司退出NBFC业务,未能满足注册标准,以及法律解散. Reasons for cancellation and surrender include companies exiting the NBFC business, failure to meet registration criteria, and legal dissolution. 受影响的公司来自不同州,包括泰米尔纳德邦和西孟加拉邦。 Affected companies are from various states, including Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.