爱尔兰在面试小组费上花费了220万欧元,退休公务员为144万欧元。 Ireland spent €2.2m on interview panel fees, with retired civil servants accounting for €1.44m.
2023年,爱尔兰在公共部门工作面试小组任职的个人的收费超过220万欧元。 In 2023, Ireland spent over €2.2 million on fees for individuals serving on interview panels for public sector jobs. 其中近三分之二用于退休公务员,共计144万欧元。 Nearly two-thirds of this amount went to retired civil servants, totaling €1.44 million. 半国家机构的前雇员获得175 601欧元,私营部门成员赚取627 987欧元。 Ex-employees of semi-state agencies received €175,601, while private sector members earned €627,987. 薪酬因年资而异,公务员收入在130至377欧元之间,私营部门成员每日130至469欧元之间。 Remuneration varies by seniority, with civil servants earning between €130 and €377, and private sector members between €130 and €469 per day.