伊利诺伊州佩索图姆附近的57号州际公路在北向枪击事件后暂时关闭,两名嫌疑人被捕,没有受伤报告。 Interstate 57 near Pesotum, Illinois temporarily closed after northbound shooting incident, two suspects arrested, no injuries reported.
伊利诺伊州佩索图姆附近的57号州际公路在两辆北行车辆发生枪击事件后暂时关闭。 Interstate 57 near Pesotum, Illinois, was temporarily closed after a shooting incident involving two northbound vehicles. 州警察在下午1时05分左右对一辆车遭到枪击的报告作出反应。 State Police responded around 1:05 p.m. to reports that one vehicle was struck by gunfire. 嫌疑车辆逃跑,但最终在 285 英里标附近被停车杆拦下。 The suspect vehicle fled but was eventually stopped using stop sticks near milepost 285. 两人被捕,没有受伤的报告。 Two individuals were arrested, and no injuries were reported. 在当局调查现场时,交通被转移。 Traffic was diverted while authorities investigated the scene. 下午6时52分重新开放的公路 The road reopened at 6:52 p.m.