印度尼西亚和越南各自签署了20B美元和15.5B JETP,以逐步淘汰煤炭和促进清洁能源。 Indonesia and Vietnam each signed $20B & $15.5B JETPs to phase out coal and promote clean energy.
2022年,印度尼西亚和越南加入了价值数十亿美元的 " 公正能源过渡伙伴关系 ",以逐步淘汰煤炭和促进清洁能源。 In 2022, Indonesia and Vietnam entered multibillion-dollar Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) to phase out coal and promote clean energy. 印尼200亿美元的协议侧重于煤炭厂的退役和可再生能源的开发,而越南155亿美元的协议则旨在到2030年使其近一半的电力来自清洁来源。 Indonesia's $20 billion deal focuses on retiring coal plants and developing renewables, while Vietnam's $15.5 billion agreement aims for nearly half of its electricity to come from clean sources by 2030. 批评者指出进展缓慢和债务高度依赖资金,但支持者认为制定政策将吸引更多投资。 Critics cite slow progress and high debt reliance for funding, but supporters believe policy development will attract further investments.