海合会国家认识到,必须更严厉地惩罚虐待老年人的行为,更明确地制定老年人知情同意标准。 GCC states recognize the need for stricter penalties for elder abuse and clearer standards for informed consent for the elderly.
海合会成员国已确认一份报告,其中强调了对老年人法律行为能力和权利的关切,呼吁对虐待老年人行为给予更严厉的惩罚,并制订更明确的知情同意标准。 GCC states have recognized a report highlighting concerns about the legal capacity and rights of the elderly, calling for stricter penalties for elder abuse and clearer standards for informed consent. 卡塔尔强调,它致力于保护老年人的权利,确保他们在生活安排、获得服务和支持决策方面享有自由。 Qatar emphasized its commitment to protecting the elderly's rights, ensuring they have freedom in living arrangements, access to services, and support for decision-making. 该国还实施教育方案,以提高认知能力,促进老年人的尊严和独立。 The country also implements educational programs to enhance cognitive abilities, promoting the dignity and independence of older persons.