9月12日, 亚洲文化理事会与南韩Gyeongsangbuk-do签署一份备忘录, 通过「新村运动」促进柬埔寨乡村发展, The Asian Cultural Council and Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea sign a MoU on September 12 to promote Cambodian rural development through the "New Village Movement."
亚洲文化协会与韩国庆尚北道于 9 月 12 日签署了一份谅解备忘录,旨在通过“新村庄运动”促进柬埔寨的农村发展。 The Asian Cultural Council and Gyeongsangbuk-do province of South Korea signed a Memorandum of Understanding on September 12 to promote rural development in Cambodia through the "New Village Movement." 该协议侧重于智能农场、农业支持、职业培训和文化交流。 The agreement focuses on smart farms, agricultural support, vocational training, and cultural exchange. 其目的是加强两国之间的合作,利用韩国成功的农村发展模式,促进“全面战略伙伴关系”。 It aims to enhance collaboration between the two nations, leveraging South Korea's successful rural development model to foster a 'Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.'