《柳叶刀行星健康》杂志上 60 名研究人员的研究警告说,八个地球生命支持系统受到威胁,其中七个已经处于危险之中;尽管每年有 8M 人死于空气污染,但气溶胶仍未被破坏。 60-researcher study in The Lancet Planetary Health warns eight Earth life-support systems are threatened, with seven already in danger; aerosols remain unbreached despite 8M annual deaths from air pollution.
在《柳叶刀行星健康》上发表的一份研究报告涉及60多名研究人员,其中警告说,人类活动正在威胁八种重要的地球生命支持系统,其中七种系统已经处于危险之中。 A study published in The Lancet Planetary Health, involving over 60 researchers, warns that human activities are threatening eight vital Earth life-support systems, with seven already in danger. 唯一没有被破坏的系统是气溶胶,尽管每年空气污染造成800万人死亡。 The sole system not breached is aerosols, despite causing 8 million deaths annually from air pollution. 研究倡导维持一半生态系统,限制地下水开采,并管制氮和磷的使用,以防止进一步破坏稳定,确保地球可居住性。 The research advocates for maintaining half of ecosystems, limiting groundwater extraction, and regulating nitrogen and phosphorus use to prevent further destabilization and ensure planetary habitability.