新西兰议会通过法案,提高技术初创企业雇员分享计划免税门槛。 New Zealand Parliament passes bill to raise tax-exempt thresholds for employee share schemes in tech startups.
新西兰议会已经通过了一项法案的一读,该法案旨在增加雇员分享计划的免税门槛,旨在支持技术创办。 New Zealand's Parliament has passed the first reading of a bill that increases tax-exempt thresholds for employee share schemes, aimed at supporting technology startups. 拟议变动将把年最高份额价值从5 000美元提高到7 500美元,并将雇主最高折扣从2 000美元提高到3 000美元。 The proposed changes will raise the maximum annual share value from $5,000 to $7,500 and increase the maximum employer discount from $2,000 to $3,000. 这些调整从2025年4月1日起生效,目的是加强招聘,刺激早期公司的增长。 These adjustments, effective April 1, 2025, are intended to enhance recruitment and stimulate growth in early-stage companies.