菲律宾男子Teddy Mejia被控在网上剥削和贩卖100多名儿童,在阿联酋被捕,被引渡到菲律宾,近30名相关受害者获救。 Filipino man Teddy Mejia, accused of exploiting over 100 children and trafficking them online, was arrested in the UAE, extradited to Philippines, and nearly 30 linked victims rescued.
菲律宾男子 Teddy Mejia 被指控通过在线出售 100 多名儿童的裸照来剥削他们,他已在阿联酋被捕并被引渡到菲律宾。 Teddy Mejia, a Filipino man accused of exploiting over 100 children by selling their nude images online, has been arrested in the UAE and extradited to the Philippines. 据称,他利用操纵照片勒索和强奸受害者,有些只有9岁。 He allegedly blackmailed and raped victims, some as young as 9, using manipulated photos. 菲律宾当局在国际刑警组织红色通告的帮助下, 拯救了近30名儿童, Philippine authorities, aided by an Interpol Red Notice, have rescued nearly 30 children linked to Mejia’s trafficking ring. 案件突显了菲律宾网上剥削儿童问题日益严重。 The case highlights the growing issue of online child exploitation in the Philippines.