推荐 10 个“第二城市”,提供经济实惠且独特的秋季体验。 10 "second cities" recommended for affordable and unique fall experiences.
今年秋天,探索 10 个“第二城市”,享受独特且经济实惠的体验。 This fall, explore ten "second cities" for unique and affordable experiences. 推荐的目的地包括以酿酒厂而闻名的华盛顿州亚基马;北卡罗来纳州的山毛榉山(Beech Mountain),有风景秀丽的户外活动;和历史悠久的佛罗里达州圣奥古斯丁。 Recommended destinations include Yakima, WA, known for its wineries; Beech Mountain, NC, with scenic outdoor activities; and historic St. Augustine, FL. 其他亮点包括以葡萄酒而闻名的加利福尼亚州洛迪;缅因州班戈,提供文化活动;以及密歇根州的特拉弗斯城,以樱桃和湖景而闻名。 Other highlights are Lodi, CA, famous for wine; Bangor, ME, offering cultural events; and Traverse City, MI, celebrated for cherries and lake views. 每个城市都提供多样化的活动和风景如画的风景,是秋季度假的理想选择。 Each city provides diverse activities and picturesque landscapes, ideal for fall getaways.