CFPB报告说,美国学校午餐支付系统每年收费1 000万美元,对低收入家庭的影响格外严重。 CFPB reports $100m annual fees on U.S. school lunch payment systems, disproportionately affecting low-income families.
消费者金融保护局(CFPB)报告说,美国学校午餐支付系统每年向父母收取1亿多美元的费用,对低收入家庭的影响格外严重。 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reports that U.S. school lunch payment systems impose over $100 million in annual fees on parents, disproportionately affecting low-income families. 随着许多学校采用无现金系统,交易费可高达5%,增加大笔费用,对于那些无力支付大笔预付款的人来说尤其如此。 With many schools adopting cashless systems, transaction fees can reach up to 5%, adding significant costs, especially for those who cannot afford large prepayments. 该委员会建议学校确保免费付费选择的透明度,并建议家庭谈判降低费用。 The CFPB recommends that schools ensure transparency for fee-free payment options and suggests families negotiate lower fees.