2名工人死于伏尔加省SD公司在修屋顶时发生的80英尺长的筒仓事故,很可能是有毒气体造成的。 2 workers died in an 80-ft silo accident in Volga, SD while repairing the roof, likely due to toxic gas.
9月7日,来自田纳西州的51岁的拉里·达尔泽尔(Larry Dalzell)和来自佐治亚州的41岁的兰迪·范德基夫特(Randi Vandekieft)这两名工人在南达科他州伏尔加河的一次筒仓事故中丧生。 Two workers, Larry Dalzell, 51, from Tennessee, and Randi Vandekieft, 41, from Georgia, died on September 7 in a silo accident in Volga, South Dakota. 在修复一个 80 英尺长的筒仓的屋顶时,他们被困住了,据信是被有毒气体克服的。 While repairing the roof of an 80-foot silo, they became trapped and are believed to have been overcome by toxic gas. 救援人员找到了他们 但两人在现场都被宣布死亡 Rescuers retrieved them, but both were pronounced dead at the scene. 布鲁金斯郡郡治安官办公室正在调查这一事件,但目前仍不清楚他们是如何进入筒仓的。 The Brookings County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident, which remains unclear regarding how they entered the silo.