明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹于2022年从女儿学院退休账户中提取了135 000美元。 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz withdrew $135,000 from his retirement account for daughter's college in 2022.
明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹(副总统候选人)于2022年从他的退休账户中提款135 000美元,以支付他女儿的大学教育费用。 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, a vice-presidential candidate, withdrew $135,000 from his retirement account in 2022 to pay for his daughter's college education. 财务专家通常建议不要提前提款,因为这些提款对退休储蓄、可能的税收处罚和增长潜力的丧失产生不利影响。 Financial experts typically advise against such early withdrawals due to their negative impact on retirement savings, potential tax penalties, and loss of growth potential. 2023年,Walz和他的妻子挣了大约30万美元,而他的共和党反对者J.D.参议员则挣了大约30万美元。 In 2023, Walz and his wife earned about $300,000, while his Republican opponent, Senator J.D. Vance,据报2022年的收益为120万至130万美元。 Vance, reported earnings of $1.2 to $1.3 million in 2022.